Friday, June 5, 2009

Sunday's Child

the child that is born
on the sabbath day
is fair and wise
and good and gay

is that me?
i'm a lot happier now,
now that...

26 poses, twice each,
in a very hot room;
it's not easy,
but it is yoga

i used to have
an eating disorder

yuk, it just didn't feel like me
"If a living system is suffering from ill health,
the remedy is to connect it with more of itself."
--Francisco Varela

i don't know who francisco is,
but i like what he says

i love my husband
with all my heart

and my children taught me
to love myself
with the same huge passion
and easy forgiveness
that i offer them

i feel so good--in this body
this one!

tell myself that
when i'm bent over the toilet
heaving and hating myself

that's how i healed myself
hoping and having faith

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