Thursday, February 21, 2013

Being Uncomfortable

San Jose, Costa Rica
It's still winter and my soul craves light.

Today I'm inspired by Mel Robbins, and following my impulse to post her words:

"In any area of your life that you want to change, there's one fact that you need to know, just one. You are never going to feel like it. Ever. No one's coming, motivation isn't hapening, you're never going to feel like it. Scientists call it activitation energy, that's what they call the force required to get you to change from what you're doing on autopilot, to do something new... It's simple to get what you want, but it's not easy. You have to force yourself... When you feel stuck or dissatisfied in your life, it's a signal. It's not a signal that your life is broken. It's a signal that one of your most basic needs is not being met--your need for exploration.Your soul needs exploration and wants to grow and the only way you'll get it is by forcing yourself to be uncomfortable.

"Get out of your head. If you're in your head, you're behind enemy lines. That is not God talking. If we put a speaker on it and we broadcast what you way to yourself, we would institutionalize you. You would not hang out with people who talk to you the way you talk to yourself.

"Your feelings are screwing you. If you listen to how you feel when it comes to what you want, you will not get it, because you'll never feel like it. You need to get outside your comfort zone. Get outside, that's where the magic is." (

"The prosaic needs of day-to-day living blunted all impact of the miraculous; it demanded that the glorious be relegated." Graham Joyce, Some Kind of Fairy Tale.

Millions of words, and I'm still writing.


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